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Dealing With Chinese Parties: Litigation, White Collar

Dealing With Chinese Parties:
Litigation, White Collar Crimes, and Transactional Opportunities In The Era of the Trade War

Tuesday, October 1, 2019 | 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

This program is at capacity.
Please call Customer Relations (212.382.6663) to be added to the wait list.

Program Fee:
Free for Members and Non-Lawyers | $15 Non-Member
Non-Lawyers please call Customer Relations to register at (212) 382-6663

As the trade war between the U.S. and China continues into its second year, hostilities between the two sides show no sign of abating and indeed, are intensifying with further tit-for-tat tariffs and outward intransigence on the part of both sides. Economic and personal ramifications are being felt by investors, businesses, and individuals on both sides of the Pacific. The more constrained business and regulatory landscape in the U.S. is also fueling an increase in legal actions by and against Chinese parties. 

The speakers, each of whom have extensive experience representing and opposing Chinese parties in civil litigation, criminal prosecution, and transactions, will leverage their experiences to address the unique aspects of representing Chinese parties in U.S. and international legal proceedings. The panel would also offer pointers and thoughts on best practices for dealing with the challenges presented by the tightening business and regulatory environment in China and the U.S, as well as interesting opportunities that may present themselves despite these headwinds. 

Jian Wu, Foreign Legal Consultant, Kobre & Kim

Amiad Kushner, Partner, Head of Litigation, Seiden Law Group
Ying Li, Partner, Hunter Taubman Fischer & Li LLC
Angus Ni, Partner, AFN Law PLLC
Minyao Wang, Of Counsel, Pierce Bainbridge Beck Price & Hecht LLP

Sponsoring Association Committee:
Asian Affairs Committee | Jian Wu, Chair

Co-Sponsoring Association Committee:
International Commercial Disputes Committee | Frances Bivens, Chair

Sponsoring Firms:

Sponsoring Organization:

New York City Bar Association 42 West 44th St New York, NY 10036 UNITED STATES

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