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Our Story: Asian American Judges Share Their Path

Our Story: Asian American Judges Share Their Path to the Bench, Diversity, and Thoughts of the Future 
Tuesday, January 26, 2021 | 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Program Fee:

Free for Members and *Members of the Co-Sponsoring Organizations | $15 for Non-Members
*Members of Co-Sponsoring Organizations please call 212-382-6663 to register. 

Please Note: All attendees will receive an email confirmation including a zoom invite two hours prior to the program with details of how to access the webinar.

Join us for a virtual fireside chat with prominent Asian American jurists. The jurists will each discuss their path to the bench, reflect on issues of diversity and inclusion and challenges faced in their paths. The jurists will also discuss diversity and inclusion issues raised in Secretary Jeh Johnson's report as special adviser on equal justice in the New York State Courts as well as speak to the future of the court system in terms of inclusion of Asian American judges and attorneys.

Hon. Shahabudeen Ally, Supervising Judge, New York County Civil Court
Hon. Jeffrey K. Oing,
New York State Supreme Court, Appellate Division, First Department
Hon. Ushir Pandit-Durant,
New York State Supreme Court, Queens County
Hon. Lillian Wan,
New York State Supreme Court, Kings County

Sponsoring Committee: 
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Robert A. Marchman and Matthew E. Morningstar, Co-Chairs

Co-Sponsoring Organizations:
Asian American Judges Association of New York State (AAJANY)
Asian American Bar Association of New York (AABANY)
Franklin H. Williams Commission
Judicial Friends 
Latino Judges Association
Muslim Bar Association of New York (MuBANY) 
New York Association of Lesbian and Gay Judges 
South Asian Bar Association of New York 
South Asian Indo-Caribbean Bar Association Queens

New York City Bar Association 42 West 44th St New York, NY 10036 UNITED STATES

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