The presidential election first scheduled for 2016 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and then for 2017 never took place. The election is now scheduled to take place on December 23, 2018. The Prime Minister has said that President Kabila will not run again, and he will abide by the constitutional limits. The delayed elections spurred anti-Kabila marches and protests, led by laity of the Catholic Church and youth activists. The government has cracked down on this opposition, harassing, arbitrarily arresting, detaining, injuring, and killing protestors. Many still remain in detention despite increasing health problems. The panelists will examine the way forward for the DRC and the role opposition leaders, youth activists, the Catholic Church, and duly-elected officials can play in strengthening civil society.
H.E. Ambassador François Nkuna Balumuene, The Democratic Republic of the Congo Ambassador to the United States--Invited
Tatiana Carayannis, Director of the Social Science Research Council’s Understanding Violent Conflict Research Initiative and convener of the DRC Affinity Group
Sasha Lezhnev, Deputy Director of Policy at the Enough Project
Kambale Musavuli, Human Rights Activist and Spokesperson for Friends of the Congo
Elizabeth Barad, Esq., International Law and Gender Consultant
Sponsoring Association Committee:
African Affairs Committee, Victoria Safran, Chair
Co-Sponsoring Association Committees:
United Nations Committee, Simon O’Connor, Chair
Council on International Affairs Committee, Michael D. Cooper, Chair
International Human Rights Committee, Lauren Melkus, Chair
Co-Sponsoring Organization:
Cyrus R. Vance Center for International Justice, Alexander Papachristou, Executive Director