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By the Book: A Conversation With Dr. A.W.H. Bates, Author of

By the Book: A Conversation with Dr. A.W.H. Bates, Author of Anti-Vivisection and the Profession of Medicine in Britain: A Social History
Thursday, January 26, 2023 | 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
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Program Fee:
Free for Members and Non-Lawyers | $15 Non-Members
Non-Lawyers please call Customer Relations at 212-382-6663 to register. 

Please Note: A final confirmation containing the Zoom link and Access Code to join the event will be sent to ALL registrants 2 hours prior to the start of the event. 

In his social history of the antivivisection movement in Britain, Dr. A.W.H. Bates explores the ethical principles inspiring the movement and the sociopolitical background that explains its rise and fall.  He looks at the initial opposition to vivisection by the medical profession who complained it was contrary to the compassionate ethos of their profession. In contrast to recent debates, the question of what results vivisection was expected to yield was less important than whether a virtuous person ought to do it.  Bates demonstrates that the conception of science as beyond morality is a comparatively recent, debatable, and perhaps ephemeral, one.   Why then, considering the level of popular support at their disposal, anti-vivisectionists made little progress in curbing, still less ending, experiments on animals? Why did the view of the morally neutral laboratory prevail? While examining nineteenth century ethics and law, religion, including New Age spiritualism, as well as the creation of the National Anti-Vivisection Hospital in Britain, and the Research Defense Society, Bates explores these questions. The nineteenth-century objection that vivisection is a moral failing on the part of the experimenter, is now most likely overlooked. An important lesson from history may be that it is possible to construct a coherent and effective case against vivisection in which neither utilitarianism nor animal rights needs to feature prominently.

Robyn Hederman, Co-Chair, Animal Law Committee
Rebecca Seltzer, Co-Chair, Animal Law Committee

Dr. A.W.H. Bates, UK Pathologist; Fellow of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics; Author of Anti-Vivisection and the Profession of Medicine in Britain: A Social History, Emblematic Monsters and The Anatomy of Robert Knox

Sponsoring Committee:
Animal Law, Robyn S. Hederman & Rebecca Seltzer, Co-Chairs

Online Event

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