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Using Your JD on Wall Street

Using Your JD on Wall Street
Tuesday, March 14, 2023 | 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Online registration is now closed. Please call Customer relations at 212 382 6663 to register or for assistance.

Program Fee:
Free for Members | $25 Non-Members

Please Note: A final confirmation containing the Zoom link and Access Code to join the event will be sent to ALL registrants at 3pm the day before the event.

Are you looking to work at an investment bank, hedge fund, asset management firm, investment research firm, or other Wall Street employer and want to learn more about the requisite experience and daily responsibilities for these roles? Perhaps you’re in law school and find yourself interested in a career on Wall Street, but are unsure of the next steps. This distinguished panel will discuss their own career paths, how their law degree and legal training is utilized in their current position, and provide you with information on how to leverage your law degree and experience to enter a career on Wall Street. Entry level and lateral hiring will be discussed, as well as the skillset and background needed to succeed.

Michael Tenenhaus,  Associate Director of Career & Professional Development, Brooklyn Law School  

Sasha Linney, Managing Director and Senior Counsel, GoldenTree Asset Management LP
Christopher LoGalbo, Managing Director, Institutional Sales & Trading, Wolfe Research, LLC
Monica Beshay, Associate, Global Banking & Markets Compliance, Goldman Sachs
Jerome Grazioli, Senior Associate, Alternative Investment Trading Operations, J.P. Morgan

Sponsoring Committee:
Career Advancement and Management, Robye Margolius, Chair 

Co-Sponsoring Committee:
Law Student Perspectives, Jesse Kearney, Chair

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