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Overruling Grutter: What Does Ending Affirmative Action Mean

Overruling Grutter: What Does Ending Affirmative Action Mean for Voluntary DEI Workplace 
June 12, 2023 | 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Online registration is now closed. Please call Customer relations at 212 382 6663 to register or for assistance.

Format: Webinar

Program Fee:
Free for Members | $15 Non-Lawyers and Non-Member Attorneys

Please Note: A final confirmation containing the Zoom link and Access Code to join the event will be sent to ALL registrants at 4pm on the Friday before the event.

What if the Supreme Court overturns the long-standing principles of Grutter? What impact will it have on our workplaces, as well as our schools? A panel of experts will discuss the constitutional and practical implications that may very well go far beyond college admissions and may have significant repercussions on diversity, equity and inclusion programming, employee resource groups and our long-standing successful efforts to promote inclusion. After considering those potential impacts, discussion of practical steps that can be taken to address how inclusion efforts can continue to move forward in a positive direction, without running afoul of the Court’s expected ruling, will be explored.

Zachary Carter, Former Corporation Counsel for NYC, United States Attorney for the EDNY, Federal Magistrate, and Judge of the Criminal Court NYC 
Taris Mullins, Founder, TGM Consulting, LLC 

Brittani McDonald, Director & Senior Counsel, Labor & Employment, Diageo
David Sarnoff, Principal, Sarnoff Group LLC 
Sponsoring Committee:
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Brittani McDonald and David Sarnoff, Co-Chairs

Co-Sponsoring Committee:
Labor & Employment,
Tracey Salmon-Smith, Chair
Education and the Law,
Rebecca Berkebile and Jonathan Glater, Co-Chairs

Co-Sponsoring Organization:
New York City Bar Office for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging, Tanya Martinez-Gallinucci, Executive Director 

Online Event

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