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What is Prop 1? Everything You Need to Know

What is Prop 1? Everything You Need to Know About the NYS Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)
Tuesday, September 24, 2024 | 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm 

Format: In-Person

Program Fee:
Free for Members |$15 Non-Members
Non-Lawyers please call Customer Relations at 212-382-6663 to register  

Join us for a discussion on Prop 1, the New York State Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), that is on the ballot in November. The Panelists will explain what you need to know about the amendment and the legal protections and rights that it will afford all New Yorkers. Panelists will also speak to the history of the ERA in New York State, the process that was followed in order for the amendment to be placed on the ballot, and efforts to change the language on the ballot initiative to make it more accessible for voters. Further, the panelists will discuss why proponents believe it is important to pass the ERA and the movement that is opposed to its passage. Finally, attendees will learn about ways to spread the word and educate others about Prop 1. 

Liz Kreuger, Senator, New York State Senate
Sasha Ahuja, Campaign Director, New Yorkers for Equal Rights
Katherine Bodde, Policy Co-Director, New York Civil Liberties Union

Jessica Neuwirth, Co-Founder and President Emerita of the ERA Coalition

Sponsoring Committees:
Civil Rights, Evan Henley & Molly Thomas-Jensen, Co-Chairs
Sex and Law, Natalie R. Birnbaum, Susan E. Cersovsky, Chair
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Rights, Hayley J. Gorenberg & Jared M. Trujillo, Co-Chairs

Co-Sponsoring Organization:
New York City Bar Office for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging, Tanya Martinez-Gallinucci, Executive Director   


New York City Bar Association 42 West 44th Street New York, NY 10036

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