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The Fifth Annal Earth Day Climate Change Symposium

The Fifth Annual Earth Day Climate Change Symposium
Monday, April 22, 2024 | 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Online registration is now closed. Please call Customer relations at 212 382 6663 to register or for assistance.

Format: Webinar

Program Fee:
Free for Members, Co-Sponsoring Organizations & Non-Lawyers | $15 Non-Members
Members of Co-Sponsoring Organizations & Non-Lawyers please call Customer Relations at 212-382-6663 to register.

Please Note: A final confirmation containing the Zoom link and Access Code to join the event will be sent to ALL registrants at 3:00 pm the Friday prior to the event.

The Fifth Annual Earth Day Climate Change Symposium will consider environmental justice and biodiversity loss, with a focus on the Adirondacks; the latest science on the local and regional impacts of climate change; and recent developments and complexities of responding to climate change domestically and internationally

Carl Howard, Former Chair, NYS Bar Assoc. Envtl. And Energy Law Section (NYSBA EELS); Co-Chair, NYSBA EELS Global Climate Change Committee; author, Global Climate Change Blog; Asst. Regional Counsel, US EPA, Region 2

Aaron Mair, Biodiversity/Adirondacks/environmental justice – Adirondack Wilderness Campaign Director; Board Member and former President, Sierra Club; Member, Envtl. Justice Advisory Group, NYS Dept. of Envtl. Conservation; former Albany Pinebush Preserve Commissioner; former Spatial Analyst and Program Research Specialist, NYS Dept. of Health.
Mark Wysocki
, Scientific view of extreme weather – Senior Lecturer Emeritus, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University.
Michael B. Gerrard
, Domestic developments relating to decarbonization – Andrew Sabin Prof. of Professional Practice, Columbia Law School; Founder and Faculty Director, Sabin Center for Climate Change Law.
Amy Myers Jaffe
, Geopolitical considerations relating to decarbonization – Director of the Energy, Climate Justice, and Sustainability Lab and Research Prof., New York University School of Professional Studies.

Event Co-Chairs:
Matthew J. Sinkman, Gibbons P.C.
Jullee Kim, Cole Schotz P.C.

Sponsoring Committee:
New York City Bar Association Committee on Environmental Law, John Rousakis and Jullee Kim, Co-Chairs

Co-Sponsoring Organization:
New York State Bar Association, Environmental and Energy Law Section (EELS)
EELS Global Climate Change Committee, Michael B. Gerrard, J. Kevin Healey,
Virginia C. Robbins, and Carl Howard, Co-Chairs
Sabin Center for Climate Change Law, Columbia Law School
Columbia Climate School, Columbia University

Online Event

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