Understanding the Basics of Representing Federal Pro Se Employment Discrimination Plaintiffs for the Limited Purpose of Settlement
Tuesday, October 30, 2018 | 8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Program Fee: Free for Members of the NYC Bar | Free for Non-Members
NY CLE Credit: 2.0 Professional Practice*
There is no fee for this program; please sign in to register.
*PLEASE NOTE: Attendees will be expected to take on, if asked, one pro bono matter for the SDNY or EDNY within the year after the program.*
A significant portion of the civil docket in the SDNY and the EDNY consists of pro se employment discrimination matters. Many of these cases are excellent candidates for settlement, but only if the pro se litigant can find pro bono counsel to help them through the settlement process, and so both the SDNY and the EDNY permit attorneys who are admitted to their bars to take on these matters on a pro bono basis for the limited purpose of assisting pro se litigants with settlement. Taking on this type of representation provides an invaluable service to pro se litigants and to the courts. Limited scope representation of pro se litigants for purposes of settlement is also an excellent opportunity for a lawyer to take on a discrete pro bono project, and is suitable for retired lawyers, lawyers who are taking a break from the practice of law, and junior lawyers (under supervision) interested in learning about mediation. This CLE event will discuss what you need to know to represent a federal pro se employment discrimination plaintiff for the limited purpose of settlement. Topics covered will include:
- Background on the population of pro se employment discrimination litigants;
- The mediation programs in the SDNY and the EDNY for employment discrimination cases and the difference between mediation and a settlement conference before a magistrate;
- Opportunities in the SDNY and EDNY for pro bono representation of pro se employment discrimination litigants for the limited purpose of settlement;
- A brief description of the legal issues that commonly come up in connection with settlement of pro se employment discrimination cases;
- The challenges and rewards of working with a pro se employment discrimination plaintiff for settlement purposes;
- Issues that come up in connection with documenting a settlement in this context; and
- Available support for lawyers interesting in taking on this type of matter.
Susanne Toes Keane, Staff Attorney, NYLAG Legal Clinic for Pro Se Litigants in the Southern District of New York
Margaret Malloy, Chief Counsel, Office of Pro Se Litigation, United States District Court for the Southern District of New York
Nina Martinez, Associate, Outten & Golden
Rebecca Price, Director, ADR Program, United States District Court for the Southern District of New York
Robyn Weinstein, ADR Administrator, United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York
Sponsoring Association Committees:
Federal Courts Committee, Laura G. Birger Chair
Pro Bono & Legal Services Committee, Amy P. Barasch and Jennifer K. Brown Co-Chairs