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Impact of the Dobbs Decision on Health Care Providers and Ou

Impact of the Dobbs Decision on Health Care Providers and Our Health Care System: National and New York Updates
Tuesday, March 14, 2023 | 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Online registration is now closed. Please call Customer relations at 212 382 6663 to register or for assistance.
Program Fees:

Free for Members and Non-Lawyers | $15 Non-Members
Non-Lawyers please call Customer Relations at 212-382-6663 to register. 

Please Note: A final confirmation containing the Zoom link and Access Code to join the event will be sent to ALL registrants 2 hours prior to the start of the event.

The third session in the New York City Bar Association’s Post-Dobbs series will focus on the decision's impact on health care providers and our health care system. This program will cover abortion in New York and legal and financial challenges; risks and protections for physicians, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, and other providers of reproductive health; impact on health care including pregnancy complications and miscarriages, training, and research; and updates on the ever-changing landscape of issues discussed by prior panels including federal and state legislation and litigation.

Dr. Aileen Gariepy
, Director of Complex Family Planning for Weill Cornell Medicine
Lisa Landau, General Counsel, New York City Department of Health & Mental Hygiene
Galen Leigh Sherwin, Special Counsel for Reproductive Justice, New York State Office of the Attorney General
Chelsea Williams-Diggs, Interim Executive Director, New York Abortion Access Fund

Debra L.W. Cohn, Lecturer in Law, Columbia Law School

Sponsoring Committee:
Health Law, Heather A. Hatcher, Chair

Co-Sponsoring Committees:
Sex & Law, Farah Diaz-Tello and Olympias Iliana Konidaris, Co-Chairs
Children & the Law, Christina Rich and Rachel Stanton, Co-Chairs
Women in the Legal Profession, Linda A. Rosenthal, Chair


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