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Implementation of Raise the Age

Implementation of Raise the Age:
What We are Seeing with the New Law

Wednesday, June 12, 2019 | 6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Program Fee:

There is no fee for this event; please sign in to register.

NY CLE Credit: 
2.5 Professional Practice

Attendees will gain the following information: 1) A look at all of the issues that have come up with the Raise the Age legislation months after the initial implementation; 2) Detailed information from all of the stakeholders involved concerning what is working well and what amendments need to be made; 3) Updates from the state about any new information and the plan to begin the implementation for 17 year-olds; and 4) Issues in Family Court, Youth Part and the detention facilities housing the Adolescent Offenders. 

Angela Albertus
, Chief of the Family Court Division, New York City Law Department 
Nancy Ginsburg, Director of the Adolescent Intervention and Diversion Project in the Criminal Practice, Legal Aid Society
Gineen Gray, Deputy Commissioner-Juvenile Operations, New York City Department of Probation
Laura Henigman, Assistant District Attorney, Queens County District Attorney
Hon. Edwina Mendelson, Deputy Chief Administrative Judge, Office of Court Administration 
Timothy Roche, Associate Commissioner, NYC Administration for Children's Services
Brian Zimmerman, 18b Brooklyn Co.

Sponsoring Association Committee: 
Juvenile Justice Committee, Fredda Monn, Chair

Co-sponsoring Association Committees:
Children and the Law  Committee, Sara Hiltzik, Chair
Council on Children, Lauren Shapiro, Chair
Education and the Law Committee, Laura Barbieri, Chair
Family Court and Family Law Committee, Glenn Metsch-Ampel, Chair
Related Resource:
If you are interested in this program, you might also be interested in these City Bar resources:

Statement on Raising the Age of Criminal Responsibility
Impact on Child Welfare & Youth Justice Services in NYC - 2020 NYS Executive Budget
Report on Legislation Further Restricting the Use of Restraints on Children Appearing Before the Family Court

New York City Bar Association 42 West 44th St New York, NY 10036 UNITED STATES

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