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Mind Money & Soul: Foundations of Financial Wellness for Att

Mind Money & Soul: Foundations of Financial Wellness for Attorneys
Wednesday,  May 3, 2023 | 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Online registration is now closed. Please call Customer relations at 212 382 6663 to register or for assistance.

Format:  WEBINAR

Program Fee:
Free for Members | $15 for Non-Members

Please Note: A final confirmation containing the Zoom link and Access Code to join the event will be sent to ALL registrants at 3:00 p.m. the day before the event.

Financial wellness is the practice, process, and journey of bringing (and keeping!) the mental, emotional, and physical aspects of money into balance. In this session, designed by and specifically for attorneys, we will discuss the fundamentals of financial wellness and share tools and strategies to help you begin to clarify your financial goals, identify and cultivate healthy financial habits aligned with those goals, and generate and implement concrete plans for earning, spending, managing debt and building wealth at all stages of your life and career.

Rebecca Eve Selkowe  
Rebecca Eve Selkowe is a NYC-based attorney, educator, author, and sought-after speaker in the field of financial wellness. She has empowered thousands of individuals to be confident and in control of their money through her dynamic live workshops, individual counseling, and book Dominate Your Debt: A Work & Play Book. An Accredited Financial Counselor®, Rebecca maintains a private financial counseling practice and she also runs the Financial Wellness Program at the Entertainment Community Fund, a national non-profit organization that provides services and support for professionals in the performing arts.

Sponsored by:
Lawyer Assistance Program, Eileen Travis, Executive Director

Co-Sponsoring Committees:
Mindfulness and Well-Being in Law, Lisa Podemski, Chair
Lawyer Assistance Program Committee, Priscilla Lundin, Chair

Online Event

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