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Social Media, the Internet and the Courts

Social Media, the Internet and the Courts: 
Using Technology in Preparing and Presenting Your Case – Annual Law Week Event
Thursday, May 2, 2019 | 6:00 p.m.
There is no fee for this event; please sign in to register.

Members of our community facing legal issues and court dates have been turning to the web for years before beginning their cases. This year, our annual Law Week event will explain how to best prepare and present your case using resources provided by our state courts, the New York City Bar Association, and other groups, before you go before a judge.

Along with the program, a special session of the New York City Bar Association’s Monday Night Law (MNL) clinic will be conducted. Advance appointments are strongly encouraged.  Call +1.212.626.7373 or visit For information on the areas covered by the MNL clinic, visit
Rochelle Klempner, Attorney, New York State Court System’s Division of Technology
Hon. Eileen N. Nadelson (Ret.)
William Torres, Attorney-in-Charge, NY County Supreme Court Help Center

Sponsored by:

Monday Night Law/Moderate Means Committee, Russ Bleemer, Chair
New York City Bar Legal Referral Service, George Wolff, Executive Director

42 West 44th Street New York, NY 10036

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