Controversial Medical and Religious Decision-Making:
the Role of Forensics, Government, Parents and Courts
Monday, June 3, 2019 | 6:15 p.m. - 8:15 p.m.
Program Fee:
Free for Members | $15 for Non-Members
A panel discussion and presentation regarding controversial medical and religious decisions in contested custody cases. The panel will include attorneys, a supreme court judge, and a mental health professional.
Dylan Mitchell, BlankRome
Lawrence Jay Braunstein, Braunstein & Zuckerman
Robin D. Carton, Carton & Rosoff PC
Hon. Michael L. Katz, Justice, New York State Supreme Court Civil Branch
Dr. Rodrigo Pizzaro, Forensic Psychiatrist
Sponsoring Association Committee:
Matrimonial Law Committee, Dylan Mitchell, Chair
Co-sponsoring Organization:
Association of Family and Conciliation Courts