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(Postponed) How to Become an Assistant District Attorney

(Postponed) How to Become an Assistant District Attorney 
Wednesday, March 11, 2020  |  6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Program Fee: 

Free for Members | $15 for Non-members 

Panel discussion about the qualifications for and application process to become an Assistant District Attorney in the District Attorney's Offices in New York City. Special emphasis will be placed on discussion of diversity efforts and recruiting for these positions. Panelists will discuss the structure of the office in their County, the types of cases that attorneys generally get to work on, the “career path” available, the qualifications sought for the position of Assistant District Attorney and the basics of applying to the office in each County. Additionally, panelists are asked and encouraged to share information regarding their individual professional trajectories as well.

Nigel Farinha, Chief of Gang Prosecutions, Office of the Special Narcotics Prosecutor

David Chiang, Section Chief, Community Partnership Division, Queens District Attorney’s Office
Allison Green, Supervisor, Investigations Bureau, Bronx County District Attorney’s Office
Renee Gregory, Chief Diversity Officer, Kings County District Attorney’s Office
Lila Kirton, Bureau Chief, Strategic Planning and Community Outreach, Westchester County District Attorney’s Office.
April Montgomery, Senior Investigative Counsel, Financial Crimes Bureau, Nassau County District Attorney’s Office
Audrey Moore, Executive and Chief Diversity Officer, New York County District Attorney’s Office
Carey Ng, Principal Assistant District Attorney, Public Integrity Bureau, Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office. 
Euna Park, Chief, Immigrant Affairs Unit, Richmond County District Attorney’s Office

Sponsoring Association Committee:
Minorities in the Courts Committee, Christine Rodriguez, Chair

Co-Sponsoring Association Committee:
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee, Kathy Hirata Chin & Matthew E. Morningstar, Co-chairs

42 West 44th Street New York, NY 10036

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