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Careers in Non-Profits

Wednesday, October 17, 2018 | 6:30 – 8 PM
Program Fee: Free for Members of Sponsoring Schools and New Lawyer Enrichment Program (NLEP) Participants; $15 for Members of Non-Sponsoring Schools; and $35 for Non-Members

Working in the non-profit sector can be exceptionally rewarding and challenging for an attorney. Positions at non-profits are highly coveted and can be hard for recent graduates to come by. Panelists, all of whom graduated in the last few years, will discuss how they found employment in the non-profit sector, the realities of their day-to-day work lives, and the skills and backgrounds they believe are important to achieving success in the non-profit sector.

John Briggs, Staff Attorney, Manhattan Legal Services
Marc Ramirez, Attorney, Bronx Defenders Office
Rachel Searle, Immigrant Justice Corps Fellow, City Bar Justice Center

Amy Helfant
, Staff Attorney, Legal Aid Society

Students and Alumni from sponsoring law schools: To ensure your free registration, please update the 'law school' section under Manage My Account prior to registering, or register using your law school email address.
Sponsoring Association Committee: 
New Lawyer Enrichment Program, Brian Farkas, Chair 

Sponsoring Schools:
Albany Law School
Brooklyn Law School
Cardozo Law
Columbia Law School
CUNY School of Law
Fordham School of Law
Georgetown Law
Hofstra Law
New York Law School
NYU Law School
Pace Law School
Quinnipiac School of Law 
Rutgers School of Law 
Seton Hall Law School
Syracuse College of Law
UConn School of Law 

42 West 44th Street New York, NY 10036

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