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Developments in Derivatives Law 2024

Developments in Derivatives Law 2024 (OnDemand)
Originally held on Thursday, April 11, 2024 | 9:00 am - 12:45 pm 

This timely CLE program is designed to update and educate attorneys, whether in-house or in government or private practice, on key developments in derivatives law and regulation. The CLE features the CFTC’s Director of Enforcement as the keynote speaker. CLE panels will discuss event-driven derivatives contracts; artificial intelligence (AI) in derivatives markets; and the important role of derivatives in carbon markets, with a particular emphasis on recent regulatory and market developments. The program will also feature a CLE panel of prominent attorneys from the private sector and government to discuss insights and lessons learned from the U.S. v. Samuel Bankman-Fried and Binance litigation cases.

Click Here to View Program Agenda & Faculty 

CLE Credit:

New York: 3.0 Professional Practice
New Jersey: 3.0 General
California: 2.5 General
Pennsylvania: 2.5 General
Connecticut: Available to Licensed Attorneys 

Program Fee:

$229 for Members | $329 for Nonmembers

This program is free to Members who are Recent Law Graduates, Newly Admitted Lawyers (admitted for the first time in 2022-2024), In-House Counsel, Judges, or Attorneys  in  Government, Academic or Not-for-Profit sectors.

Program Chairs:
Alice Yurke | Dentons US LLP 
Lauren Pederson | Wagner Pederson LLP 
Christian A. Johnson | Widener University Commonwealth Law School 
Sponsoring Committee
Futures and Derivatives Regulation | Ian Cuillerier

Information about our Financial Aid Policy and Application can be found here



    New York City Bar 42 West 44th St New York, NY 10036

    Thursday, 11 April 2024


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