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Lawyers, Cloud and Mobile Computing & Ethics

Lawyers, Cloud and Mobile Computing & Ethics (OnDemand)
Originally held on Tuesday, September 20, 2022 | 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

This seminar will address on the effects and ethical implications of the use of Internet-based and mobile computing by attorneys in their law practices. The Introduction will consist of a broad overview of the concepts, including mobile computing, cloud computing and virtual law firms. Statistics regarding the broad-scale adoption of these technologies by the public and lawyers will be provided. Next, the discussion will focus on the ways that lawyers are using these technologies and the advantages of doing so. Then, the ethical issues presented when lawyers use these tools will be analyzed, with recommendations regarding best practices.

Click Here to View Program Agenda & Faculty

CLE Credit:
New York: 1.0 Ethics
New Jersey: 1.1 Professional Responsibility
California: 1.0 Professional Responsibility
Pennsylvania: 1.0 Professional Responsibility
Connecticut: Available to Licensed Attorneys

Please Note: Newly admitted NY attorneys cannot fulfill ethics or skills credits through our on-demand programs under OCA rules. For more information on this, please see

Program Fee:
$29 for Members | $69 for Nonmembers

Program Instructor:
Nicole Black,

Sponsoring By:

Co-Sponsored By:
Small Law Firm Center

Information about our Financial Aid Policy and Application can be found here


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