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The Scope of Attorney/Client Privilege

The Scope of Attorney-Client Privilege (OnDemand)
Originally held on Tuesday, November 14, 2023 | 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
This panel discussion will provide a review of attorney-client privilege. The panel, consisting of highly accomplished and experienced practitioners, will address the relevant legal standards and best practices on a wide-range of key privilege issues, including:
-The role of in-house counsel
-Internal investigations
-Disclosure to third parties (e.g., the government)
-Recent case law concerning the privilege

Click Here to View Program Agenda & Faculty

CLE Credit:
New York: 3.0 Ethics
New Jersey: 3.2 Professional Responsibility
California: 2.5 Professional Responsibility
Pennsylvania: 2.5 Professional Responsibility
Connecticut: Available to Licensed Attorneys

Newly admitted attorneys in New York CANNOT earn skills, ethics, or cybersecurity-ethics credit for transitional on-demand courses but CAN earn credits in the areas of professional practice, law practice management, or cybersecurity-general if offered for this program.
Program Fee:
$229 for Members | $329 for Nonmembers
Members who are Recent Law Graduates, Newly Admitted Lawyers (admitted for the first time in any state or country 2021-2023), In-House/Corporate Counsel, Judges, and attorneys who practice within the Government, Academic or Not-for-Profit sectors attend this program for free.

Program Chair:
Jack Yoskowitz, Seward & Kissel LLP

Information about our Financial Aid Policy and Application can be found here

New York City Bar 42 West 44th St New York, NY 10036

Tuesday, 14 November 2023


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