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Through the Looking Glass: Software Patents for Entrepreneur

Through the Looking Glass: Software Patents for Entrepreneurs
Tuesday, March 26, 2019 | 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Program Fee: $35

This event will be held at One Battery Park Plaza, 11th Fl. New York, NY 10004. If you are interested in attending this program, please click here to register.

More than a few commentators have exclaimed that “software patents are dead!” Headlines like these grab the attention of technologists and business leaders, but they are dangerously misleading. Far from being dead, patent protection for software-driven innovations remains viable and important. 

Join our expert panel, which includes patent practitioners skilled in obtaining, litigating, and licensing software patents, as well as in-house and software engineers, as we explore the current state of the laws that protect software inventions in the U.S. and abroad, and reflect on the many possible paths that may be followed.

James R. Klaiber
, Counsel, Hughes Hubbard & Reed

David Bomzer
, Counsel, Cantor Colburn
Catriona Collins
, Attorney & Content Manager, Lexis Practice Advisor
James M. Kelly
, Vice Chairman, Therap Services LLC
Daniel O'Sullivan
, Founder & CEO, Gyst Technologies
Bruce S. Weintraub
, Senior Corporate Counsel, Pfizer Inc

Sponsoring Association Committee: 
Patents Committee, Philip L. Hirschhorn, Chair 

Co-Sponsoring Organization:
MIT Enterprise Forum of NYC
Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP

One Battery Park Plaza 11th Fl. New York, NY 10004 UNITED STATES

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