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What a Nuisance: Opioids, Public Nuisance, and the Evolution

What a Nuisance: Opioids, Public Nuisance, and the Evolution of Mass Torts
Tuesday, May 10, 2022 | 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. | Reception to Follow
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Program Fee:
Free for Members | $15 Non-Members

The misuse of opioid medicines has developed into a public health epidemic which has affected communities throughout America—including right here in New York.  And addressing that epidemic is a multi-faceted and multidisciplinary puzzle we are still trying to solve.  One approach—focused on compensating both injured individuals and their communities—has been to turn to the courts, where the public nuisance doctrine, a vestige of English Common Law, has been given new life as a tool to seek redress for widespread injuries with nonspecific causes.  So far, however, the result of applying public nuisance law to opioid claims has been decidedly mixed, with courts across the country reaching vastly different outcomes about whether this old property tort is the right tool, or if traditional personal injury torts provide a more logical legal framework to address these (and other) widespread harms.  While we may not answer these questions in one night, the Products Liability Committee of the New York City Bar Association nevertheless hopes you will join our spirited panel discussion—featuring nationally-recognized figures in the opioids litigation—on how we got here, where we’re going, and whether public nuisance doctrine is the future of mass torts, or is better left in the past.  

Thomas Kurland
, Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler LLP

Andrea Bierstein, Simmson Hanly & Conroy
Steve Brody, O'Melveny & Myers LLP 
Jonathan Schneller, O'Melveny & Myers LLP
Bradley Wendell, Edwin H. Woodruff Professor of Law,  Cornell Law School 

Sponsoring Committee:
Product Liability, Thomas Kurland, Chair, and Nathan Werksman, Incoming Chair

Co-Sponsoring Committees:
Litigation, John Lundin, Chair
Drugs & the Law, Alana Hans-Cohen, Chair 

42 West 44th Street

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