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Ethical Challenges Facing Government Lawyers

Ethical Challenges Facing Government Lawyers
Wednesday, March 19, 2025 | 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
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Format: Webinar 

There is no fee to attend this event. Registration is required.


Recent weeks have seen a series of high-profile resignations of career lawyers in the federal government faced with demands by supervisors in the new administration that the resigning lawyers believed would violate their ethical obligations. Many lawyers at the Justice Department, the Department of Defense and other agencies, as well as members of the broader public, are asking questions about their obligations in such circumstances and how they can and should respond. Lawyers who have recently left government service may also have questions about their situations, rights and responsibilities. This program will bring together scholars who focus on legal ethics and lawyers with government experience to address ethical and related issues that have arisen and hopefully provide guidance in these uncertain times.

To protect the privacy of those attending, the session will be entirely virtual. The names of audience members, including those asking questions, will not be displayed. Questions may be submitted anonymously in the Q&A during the program. 

Kathleen Clark
, Professor, Washington University Law School; Board member, American Oversight; former Counsel, Senate Judiciary Committee; former Special Counsel to the DC Attorney General

Richard Donoghue,
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP; former Acting U.S. Deputy Attorney General; former U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York
Renato Mariotti, Paul Hastings; former federal prosecutor in the Securities and Commodities Fraud Section of the United States Attorney's Office
Mimi Rocah, Former Westchester County DA, Former SDNY Chief, Adjunct Professor, Fordham University School of Law

David Keyko, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP

Program Chair:
Jonathan Bell, Stern Tannenbaum & Bell LLP

Sponsoring Committee:
Rule of Law Task Force, Marcy Kahn, Chair; Alan Rothstein, Vice Chair

Co-Sponsoring Committee:
Professional Ethics, David Keyko, Chair 

Co-Sponsoring Organization:
Brennan Center for Justice  

New York City Bar Association 42 West 44th Street New York, NY 10036

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