Professional Discipline - A Year in Review:
Key Public and Private Disciplinary Decisions from the Attorney Grievance Committee
and the Commission on Judicial Conduct
Thursday, March 28, 2019 | 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Prefer to view the live program? Please CLICK HERE.
Program Fee:
Live Webcast: $199 for Members | $299 for Nonmembers
Small Law Firm: $99 for Members
Members who are Recent Law Graduates (not yet admitted), Newly Admitted Lawyers, In-House/Corporate Counsel, Judges (and their staff), or attorneys that practice within the Government, Academic or Not-for-Profit sectors attend this program for free.
CLE Credit:
New York: 2.0 Ethics
New Jersey: 2.2 Professional Responsibility
California: 2.0 Professional Responsibility
Pennsylvania: 1.5 Professional Responsibility
This program will focus on some of the most pressing ethical issues and hottest developments surrounding interpretations of the Rules and their enforcement by the Committees and the Courts. Often, when the Attorney Grievance Committee disciplines an attorney, it comes as an admonition—a private sanction; you cannot read about it in the New York Law Journal or even on the Court websites. This program will reveal the kinds of misconduct that the Committees address through private sanctions and letters of advisement. Be alerted to the type of attorney misconduct - both professional and personal - that result in scrutiny, investigation, and sanction. Plus, learn more about judicial misconduct, where judges have been disciplined for their conduct towards attorneys and in their capacity as attorneys.
Program Chair:
Kathy W. Parrino, Principal Attorney, Attorney Grievance Committee, Supreme Court, Appellate Division, First Judicial Department
Sponsoring Association Committee:
Professional Discipline, Kaylin L. Whittingham, Chair