What Every Practitioner Needs to Know About New York’s Enactment of the Uniform Voidable Transactions Act (“UVTA”), Effective April 4
Tuesday, April 7, 2020 | 12:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Please Note: This program will be in a live webinar format — it will consist of audio-only instruction by the faculty, along with a visual aid presentation.
For New York Attorneys: This live webinar format is acceptable for all attorneys (both newly admitted and experienced) for all credit types. This includes, for newly admitted attorneys, Skills credit (through June 30, 2020, per recent guidance of the CLE Board – for more information, click here).
Program Fee:
$49 for Members | $99 for Nonmembers
Members who are Recent Law Graduates, Newly Admitted Lawyers (admitted for the first time in any state or country 2018-2020), In-House/Corporate Counsel, Judges, or attorneys that practice within the Government, Academic or Not-for-Profit sectors attend this program for free.
CLE Credit:
New York: 2.5 Professional Practice
New Jersey: 2.5 General
California: 2.5 General
Pennsylvania: 2.0 General
Connecticut: Available to Licensed Attorneys
This program provides transitional/non-transitional credit to all attorneys
In 2019, the New York Legislature leap-frogged the 1984 Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act, going directly from the 100 year old Uniform Fraudulent Conveyance Law to the current version of the UVTA. An expert panel will explain how the UVTA (revised Article 10 of the Debtor and Credit Law) dramatically changes and modernizes New York fraudulent transfer law.
This program will:
- Put into context the historical evolution of fraudulent transfer law from the Statute of Elizabeth to the UVTA.
- Explain the differences between the UVTA and the Bankruptcy Code avoidance provisions.
- Explain the major changes to existing New York law, including those relating to:
- Choice of law
- Statute of limitations
- Burdens of proof and persuasion
- Defenses available to transferees
- Elimination of archaic principles from partnership and secured transaction law
- Provide insight into the Uniform Law Commission’s process for drafting potential uniform laws for state enactment.
Click Here to View Program Agenda & Faculty
Program Chair:
Alan Kolod, Moses & Singer LLP
Sponsoring Association Committee:
Bankruptcy & Corporate Reorganization, Christopher K. Kiplok, Chair
Commercial Law and Uniform State Laws, Alan Kolod, Chair
Related Resources:
If you are interested in this program, you might also be interested in these City Bar resources:
Report in support of the enactment of the Uniform Voidable Transactions Act in New York (March 5, 2019)
Report proposing the Uniform Voidable Transactions Act in New York (April 4, 2016)