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New York's New Power of Attorney:

New York's New Power of Attorney: What Every Practitioner Needs to Know
Monday, May 3, 2021 | 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Program Fee:

$99 for Members | $199 for Nonmembers
Small Law Firm: $79 for Members
Members who are Law Students, Recent Law Graduates, Newly Admitted Lawyers (admitted for the first time in any state or country 2019-2021), In-House/Corporate Counsel, Judges, and attorneys that practice within the Government, Academic or Not-for-Profit sectors attend this program for free.

CLE Credit:
New York: 1.0 Professional Practice
New Jersey: 1.2 General
California: 1.0 General
Pennsylvania: 1.0 General
Connecticut: Available to Licensed Attorneys

This program provides transitional/non-transitional credit to all attorneys

The presentation will cover the revisions to the Power of Attorney Law - Chapter 323 of the Laws of 2020 (effective June 13, 2021) and the 2021 Chapter Amendment. On December 15, 2020 NY enacted revisions to its laws government statutory short form powers of attorney. The new law replaces “exact wording” with “substantially conforms to the wording;” eliminates the Statutory Gifts Rider; changes the signing requirement; has changes to construction sections; provides for an acceptance of and reliance time line; and provides for damages and attorney fees when a form is rejected with no reasonable basis.  It will also cover changes to the form, best practices, and suggestions for the modification section to provide for gifting. This CLE will provide the practitioner with information about important changes, and provide you with guidance to help you prepare for these changes prior to the law’s effective date.

Click Here to View Program Agenda & Faculty

Program Instructors:
David Goldfarb, Of Counsel, Grimaldi & Yeung LLP  
Britt Burner,
Burner Law Group PC

Sponsoring Association Committee:
Legal Problems of the Aging, Peter Travitsky
Small Law Firm, Anne Wolfson

Co-Sponsored By:
Small Law Firm Center

New York City Bar 42 West 44th St New York, NY 10036

Monday, 03 May 2021


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