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Trademark Law for the Small Firm Practitioner

Trademark Law for the Small Firm Practitioner
Wednesday, June 23, 2021 | 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Program Fee:

$149 for Members | $249 for Nonmembers
Small Law Firm: $79 for Members
Members who are Law Students, Recent Law Graduates, Newly Admitted Lawyers (admitted for the first time in any state or country 2019-2021), In-House/Corporate Counsel, Judges, and attorneys that practice within the Government, Academic or Not-for-Profit sectors attend this program for free.

CLE Credit:
New York: 2.0 Professional Practice
New Jersey: 2.3 General
California: 2.0 General
Pennsylvania: 1.5 General
Connecticut: Available to Licensed Attorneys

This program provides transitional/non-transitional credit to all attorneys

In this program our speakers and panelists will address the key aspects of this important and economically significant area of  the law.  The program will address the following questions: What is a trademark and why might you want one? When and how can you get one? What can you do with it and how? What can you do if someone “uses” your trademark and what can someone do to you if you “use” theirs? How do trademark licensing and protection work?  Finally, the panel will address how generalists can begin to think about the legal and business issues that may arise should their clients want or need to deal with trademark law.

Click Here to View Program Agenda & Faculty

Program Chair & Moderator:
David L. Cohen,
David L. Cohen, PC

Sponsoring Association Committees:
Council on Intellectual Property, James R. Klaiber, Chair
Small Law Firm, Anne Wolfson, Chair
Trademarks & Unfair Competition, Fara Sunderji, Chair

Co-Sponsored By:

Small Law Firm Center

Online Event

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