Mindful Mondays: City Bar Series on Well-Being and Mindfulness
Practicing Mindfulness: Positive Negotiation Techniques
Monday, May 11, 2020 | 11:00 am - 12:15 pm
Please Note: This program will
be in a live webinar format — it will consist of audio-only instruction
by the faculty, along with a visual aid presentation.
For New York Attorneys: This
live webinar format is acceptable for all attorneys (both newly admitted
and experienced) for all credit types. This includes, for newly
admitted attorneys, Skills credit (through June 30, 2020, per recent
guidance of the CLE Board – for more information, click here).
Program Fee:
Free for Members | $50 for Nonmembers
CLE Credit:
New York: 1.5 Law Practice Management
New Jersey: 1.5 General
California: 1.5 General
Pennsylvania: 1.0 General
Connecticut: Available to Licensed Attorneys
This program provides transitional/non-transitional credit to all attorneys
What in the world do negotiation and mindfulness have in common? Quite a lot actually.
If negotiation is a dialogue in which two (or more) people seek to find a solution to a problem…
And mindfulness is the practice of maintaining a non-judgmental state of complete awareness…
Then Mindful Negotiation is: The practice of conferring with others to derive some mutual benefit while staying present, focused, and proceeding without judgment.
This positive approach helps us to move away from the competitive, combative and otherwise stressful ways in which negotiation is often characterized. And THIS is important because when you approach a negotiation from a place of focus, positivity and non-judgmental awareness, you tend to have a better experience in the negotiation itself – along with better outcomes. This program will explore the positive impact of mindfulness in our negotiation lives: How mindfulness and negotiation intersect; and Strategies for incorporating lessons from mindfulness at the negotiation table, including active listening, cultivating calm, and releasing judgments you may harbor about your counter-party, your own abilities, or the negotiation process itself.
Erin Gleason Alvarez is an independent arbitrator and mediator with nearly 20 years of experience in the arbitration and ADR fields. She has served as tribunal chair, sole arbitrator, arbitrator in emergency proceedings, and also mediator in cases relating to commercial matters and insurance disputes. Ms. Gleason is also the Founder & CEO of Take Charge Negotiations, LLC, a company that provides corporate training in mindful negotiation techniques. She holds an LLM from the Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution at Pepperdine University.
Click Here to View Program Agenda & Faculty
Program Instructor:
Erin Gleason Alvarez, Arbitrator and Mediator, Gleason Alvarez ADR, LLC
Sponsoring Association Committee:
Mindfulness and Well-Being, Robert L. Chender & Cecilia B. Loving, Co-Chairs
Co-Sponsoring Association Committees:
Alternative Dispute Resolution, Charles M. Newman, Chair
Government Ethics & State Affairs, Jennifer G. Rodgers, Chair
Mental Health Law, Karen P. Simmons, Chair
Co-Sponsoring Organizations:
Lawyer’s Assistance Program, Eileen Travis, Director
Office of Diversity & Inclusion, Deborah Martin Owens, Executive Director