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Supreme Court — A Year in Review, 2023 Term

Supreme Court — A Year in Review, 2023 Term
Wednesday, July 24, 2024 | 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
 Online registration is now closed. Please call Customer relations at 212 382 6663 to register or for assistance.
This annual program will examine the most significant aspects of the term in detail. A panel of highly prominent and highly knowledgeable professional, academic and judicial speakers will discuss the Court’s most consequential decisions, analyze the implications for future developments and look ahead to the October 2024 and future terms. The panel’s discussion will consider significant areas of law and important cases.

Click Here to View Program Agenda & Faculty

CLE Credit:
New York: 3.0 Professional Practice
New Jersey: 3.0 General
California: 3.0 General
Pennsylvania: 2.5 General
Connecticut: Available to Licensed Attorneys

Program Fee:

$229 for Members | $329 for Nonmembers
This program is free to Members who are Law Students, Recent Law Graduates, Newly Admitted Lawyers (admitted for the first time in 2022-2024), In-House Counsel, Judges, or Attorneys  in  Government, Academic or Not-for-Profit sectors.

David Lat Lawyer
, Author and Legal Commentator

Program  Chair:

Alexander J. Willscher, Sullivan & Cromwell LLP
Sponsoring Association Committee:
Federal Courts, Richard Hong, Chair

Information about our Financial Aid Policy and Application can be found here


Online Event

Wednesday, 24 July 2024


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