(DVD) The Art of Pleading
November 10, 2015

CLE Credit: 3.0 Skills

Pleadings begin every lawsuit. But skillfully drafted pleadings are filed only in a handful of cases. In this new program, panel of experienced practitioners, along with a New York state judge and a federal court judge will provide views from the bench and give practice pointers on what techniques work and which do not. Panelists will examine both the basic requirements and various advanced strategies in crafting pleadings that will not only survive motions to dismiss, but also provide strategic support throughout your case. Recent case law affecting traditional pleading requirements for complaints, answers and other types of pleadings will be addressed, along with various differences in state and federal practice. Additionally, ethical considerations related to pleadings will be considered. Don’t miss this interactive panel discussion where members of the bench and bar will share thoughts on best practices and encourage audience participation.

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Discounted member price: 229.00
You could save: 30.4%