Any written work product drafted by a committee must be reviewed and approved by the City Bar President, as outlined in the Committee Handbook. This includes, but is not limited to, amicus briefs, letters to public officials, legislative reports, public comments, hearing testimony, policy recommendations, surveys, FOIL requests, op eds, questionnaires, etc.
Please click here and read the Committee Handbook section on Committee Reports before submitting this form. To expedite the finalizing of reports, please consult our general Style Guide during the drafting phase. For examples of committee reports,
please visit the Committee Reports section of our website.
When you're ready, please use the below Report Intake Form to upload a draft committee report for review. The information provided will ensure that your committee report is reviewed in a timely manner, and formatted and distributed so as to maximize the influence and impact of your committee’s work.
To learn more about the process of developing and issuing a committee report, please review the Committee Handbook,
or contact a member of the Policy Department
Committee Report Intake Form
Please fill out all sections and upload your draft report. Draft reports should be submitted in WORD format with this
required header on all pages: "The following is a draft report, not an approved position of the Committee or the New York City Bar, and is not intended for distribution outside the City Bar.”
For more information see our Committee Reports Style Guide.
*All fields are required; indicate N/A where appropriate.
Contacts. Please identify who we should contact if we have questions about the report. Please provide name(s), committee(s) they represent, and best email address to use.
2. Primary Drafters. Did the report have primary drafters? If so, please provide (with their consent) their contact information below so that we can follow up to offer potential professional development and, where appropriate, advocacy opportunities.
3. Report Signatories. Chairs/Co-Chairs are typically named as signatories on committee reports. Please indicate below if any chair/co-chair should NOT be listed and/or if another member and/or subcommittee should be listed as well.
4. Please provide a working title for the report (e.g., “Comment Letter on __” or “Legislative report on __”, etc.)
5. Report Synopsis.
Please provide a paragraph summary that describes the purpose of the report and the position taken.
Your synopsis will serve as the basis for the summary of your report when it is posted on the City Bar website.
This field must be completed for your report to be featured in the eNews, on our blog, or for a press release (see #13 below.)
6. Timing.
Are there any deadlines or timing considerations we should know about?
7. Internal Conflict Check: Recusals / Abstentions.
Please confirm that you have reviewed the Committee Handbook provision on “Individual Conflicts on Substantive Issues Addressed by Committees,” found under the section “Reaching Decisions on Committee Positions” and that any conflicts or potential conflicts were handled accordingly. If any committee members were recused or abstained from any part of the drafting or approval process, please provide their names below, and please note whether you believe the abstention or recusal should be noted in the report. (If the report did not involve any such conflict, please write “N/A”).
8. Committee Approval.
Please confirm that the report was approved by a vote (in-person, telephonic, electronic or otherwise) of the full committee and the date on or about which it was approved.
9. Dissenting Views. Please advise if there are any significant opposing views of which we should be made aware.
10. Consulting Other Committee(s).
Reports that involve multiple practice areas may need to be reviewed by other committees prior to approval by the President. Has your report been reviewed by any committees other than the authoring committee(s)? If so, which committee(s)? Click here for a list of City Bar committees. Please provide any relevant information about their review.
11. Prior Positions.
An existing City Bar position can be reevaluated if a significant amount of new data is presented or there is a change in circumstances that alters the conditions under which the issue was initially considered. In such a case, the then-sitting President must approve the change in position.
Are you aware of or did you search the City Bar website to determine if there are any existing City Bar reports related to this topic? If yes, please identify. The Committee Reports section of our website provides reports from at least the past ten years and the Policy Department or Library can check our internal records for older reports. If you’re having trouble determining whether there are any prior reports on your topic, please contact the Policy Department and/or the Library for assistance.
12. Other Organizations.
Does any part of this report substantially adapt, overlap with or rely on a document prepared by or
for another organization? If yes, please explain. For more information,
please review the Committee Handbook section “Working With Other Organizations – Issuing Reports and Joining Coalitions.”
13. Report Distribution.
Consider how best to achieve the desired impact with your report—who should get it and why?
Please identify (a) the intended recipient(s) of the report (primary as well as cc’s) and (b)
best contact information for each recipient. If the committee will be handling distribution of the final report,
please indicate that below. Providing contact information now will help us to distribute the report more quickly
once it is approved for release.
14. Report Promotion. If you believe a press release should accompany the publication
of your report, please indicate below (note: not all requests will result in the issuance of a press release).
If known, please identify any relevant publications or reporters you would like to receive the release.
Please note that the “Report Synopsis” field must be completed when requesting a press release.
For any questions regarding press coverage, please contact Eric Friedman, Director of Communications at 212-382-6754 or
Please upload your committee report for review in WORD format.