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Track 1A: The Basics of Small Firm Startup – Constructing a Masterpiece within Budget (1.0 LPM CLE) Meeting Hall Speakers: Stephanie Everett | Lawyerist; Evans Legros | Legros Law Firm, PLLC; Erin McCartney | Attorney Protective; Alla Roytberg | Roytberg Traum Law and Mediation P.C.
Track 2A: Law Firm Growth with the End in Mind (1.0 LPM CLE) CLE Center Speakers: Christopher Anderson | Sunnyside Law; Orsolya Bartha | Bartha Law P.C.; Karl Dowden | Karl Dowden Law; Kenneth Vrana | Capital One
Track 1B: Five Things That Every Solo/Small Firm Should Do to Bolster Cybersecurity (1.0 Cybersecurity – General CLE) Meeting Hall Speakers: Annie Seifullah | Incendii Law; Carl J. Mazzanti | eMazzanti Technologies
Track 2B: Navigating Sensitive Topics in Today’s Workplace: How Domestic and Global Conflicts Impact Workplace Dialogues (1.0 DEI CLE) CLE Center Speakers: Rachel Gupta | Gupta Dispute Resolutions LLC; Rachel Haskell | Working Solutions Law Firm; Stephanie Messas |The Messas Law Practice ; Nydia Shahjahan, Nydia Shahjahan, Esq. P.C.
Track 1C: Eleven-and-a-Half Steps to Take Before Spending Your First Digital Dollar Meeting Hall Speakers: Viktoria Altman | BSPE Legal Marketing; David L. Cohen | David L. Cohen, P.C.; Adam N. Weissman | Weissman Law
Track 2C: Embracing the AI Revolution: Navigating the Opportunities and Challenges for Solos and Small Law Firms CLE Center Speakers: Kate Bell | Clio; Karl Dowden | Karl Dowden Law; Claudia Hernandez | Innovate Online Marketing; Anne Wolfson, Anne Wolfson PLLC
Plenary 2: Ethics in the Digital Age: Leveraging Technology without Pitfalls (1.0 Ethics CLE) Meeting Hall Speaker: Dan Lear | InfoTrack Moderator: Lewis P. Trippett | Higgins and Trippett LLP